Sunday, May 11, 2014


Mom has always said, in personality I am most like my grandmother. In some ways, I agree. Grandma and I recently took a road trip together. One problem we ran into most often was "Where would you like to eat?" to which the other would respond "I don't care." It didn't matter who asked first, the question and answer were always the same. We would end up driving for miles before deciding on whatever was the nearest place at hand.

But Mom and I are alike in a lot of ways too. One thing I find myself doing with my little brother is the same thing Mom did to my sister and me when we were his age. 

Running out of our bedrooms frantically, we'd call "Mom! I can't find my (insert any lost object here. Things got lost often.). I've looked everywhere!" 

Mom's response was always "If I go look, and I find it in just a few seconds, you're going to be in trouble!" 

And she always would find it. And we always did get in trouble. We weren't looking as well as we should have. Another thing she always used to tell me is "You look for things in the fridge like a man would. Open the door, it doesn't jump out at you, so it must not be there." 

These little moments were her motherly reminders to pay attention to my surroundings, and actually move the jelly jar over to find the pickles. 

There are so many things she used to say and do that have been ingrained in my brain. Not only do I find myself repeating them to myself when I'm in a similar situation, but I repeat them to my little brother when the moment calls for it. And I know my kids will hear them all plenty of times from me. 

Thank you, mom. For teaching me the ways of a mother. I feel ninja ready to tackle anything kids will throw my way. And if not... You're on my speed dial!

Happy Mother's Day!!