Yesterday while doing his reading homework, my brother Adam called from the other room. "Hey, Mom! The Bible talks about Zombies!" Mom and I both looked at eachother with identical bewildered expressions and poked our heads out of the craft room. He pointed at one of the Bible verse he was supposed to read. Psalms 27:2 "When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell."
Later that day, Mom and Dad and I went to vote early at the college in town. When Adam was told he had to go with us, he started looking around for the shoes that he's notorious for losing. Hoping he wouldn't need them, he asked "Hey, Mom? Is it like a drive-thru voting system? Or do we have to get out somewhere?"
When I was a little girl, my mom tells me I always used to want to do things I was too little to do. She did all these wonderful crafts and projects and I'd want to be a part of that and make something pretty too! When I got a little older and was finally old enough to help, though, I didn't want to. Now I'm even older, and again I find myself watching Mom do all these interesting projects. And guess what? Now I'm doing those projects too! Haha.
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