Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Oh Mom!" Moments

The other day, my friend and I were discussing Egypt and it's ancient ways and slavery and such things. (We talk about deep things, my friend and I.) The subject of Joseph from the Bible came up and I wanted to respond to my friend's comment with something intelligent sounding. But for the life of me I could NOT remember the name of the man Joseph had been a slave to. I was in the car with my mom while my friend and I were having this discussion over text message, so naturally I asked "Mom, who was that guy Joseph worked for?" Because, duh. Moms know everything, right?

"Potiphar." was her instant answer, because my mom is so clever and smart and remembers all these things...most of the time. I happily continued typing my text, but then stopped and stared at my phone for a long time. Then...

"How do you spell Potiphar?" Now, you must know, my mother is not and never has been good at spelling anything! She even practiced spelling her last name, and to this day has to spell it in her head any time she's writing it. (Both maiden and married last names) Sometimes you'll even hear her do it out loud. Haha! So when I voiced my questions, I wasn't actually expecting an answer. What I got was an immediate "P-o-t-t-i-f-e-r." 

That sounded right but I couldn't believe it so I HAD to check. And as you can plainly see, no. Pottifer is NOT how you spell the man's name. I told her and she laughed then said as seriously as possible "Well, that's the King James. Mine is the New American Standard."

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